The book is available worldwide, the shipping costs are the same, 12 € for all countries (except France).
We begin in a small village at the foot of Mt Fuji to retrace the life of a little boy that didn’t think like the others, and who created – a few years later – a giant of the automotive industry: The Honda Motor Company.
Through his exceptional success story, we’ll discover the advent of the sportiest Honda cars; from the first NSX to the 2015 Civic Type R.
With anecdotes, exclusive photographs, interviews, technical specifications and a unique insight from an enthusiast’s perspective, I will guarantee that this will be an invigorating read.
The book is an illuminating narrative, written by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts who see cars as an object of pleasure, and not just as a means of getting from A to B.
Below is an unfinished extract from the book. The book’s content will be dual language, English & French.
What are the funds for?
It’s been a risk to personally bear all of the operating costs (design, graphics, correction, translation, linguist & travel).
With almost 18,000 Euros invested in the project so far, if I do not acquire enough orders to print the book, the team will be paid as agreed.
The justification of the crowdfunding is to make sure the printing of the book happens.
I have chosen to use a well known European printer (Escourbiac), who can offer the best type of materials to make sure the book has the quality feel it deserves.
During discussions on the French forums, a final price of €45 Euros was agreed for European orders (excluding delivery).
For us to achieve this price point, an initial order of 500 books would have to be placed. The book would not make the project a profit until around 950 orders have been placed.
This project is something I care about deeply and therefore I propose to you (on Ulule only) that the price to acquire the book will have a special price of €39 (excluding delivery) for European orders.
If the orders of the book exceed 1000 units, then instead of giving you back some Euro’s, I will be offering additional content, which will be obtained from a trip to Japan in the near future, and I promise you will not be disappointed.
If the campaign is successful, and I truly hope it is, I will be offering a financial bonus to my team for all of the hard work that I have asked of them for the duration of this project. If it doesn’t work, I’ll offer you a new campaign with a lower goal but with a higher price.

About the project owner
When Honda stopped selling the Type R in Europe in 2010, I had the thought to begin writing this book, and to celebrate the planned return of the Type R brand to Europe, I started this project just over a year ago.
I have to honest and say that this book provides a certain element of therapy for me. After many years of driving iconic cars such as Peugeot Rallye’s, Clio Cups and Civic Type R’s, I almost lost my licence, and realising that I had paid out more than €2500 euros in fines, I took a moment of reflection and purchased a hybrid car.
I must admit that my behaviour during this period changed. I believe that we can take pleasure in driving on the road whilst being completely responsible. There is a time for everything.
For me it is a matter of balance, self control and responsibility.
The sheer thrill of driving is something that we must relish in those exceptional moments, and through the reading of this book, I really hope I can share this philosophy with you.