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Have a recipe to share? It doesn't matter if its cheesy beans on toast or Foie Gras, or maybe some cooking tips that could make Heston Blumenthal look like a rank amateur? Then post them in here and let the world know.
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By Cockpiss Analfist
Shallots diced
white wine
white wine vinegar

put in a pan and reduce to a small amount.

egg yolks

Whisk egg yolks in a metal bowl over a gently simmering pan of water until pale and thick. Do not let the water touch the bowl
Add reduction.

melt butter and clarify by skimming the milk solids from the top with a spoon.

place metal bowl on a towel and whisk continuously whilst pouring the butter in a thin stream onto the yolks.
Do not add too fast or it WILL split.

add chopped tarragon and keep somewhere warm or it will split. If it gets too hot it will split, if it gets too cold it will split. Get the picture? :-D

this is basically hollandaise sauce with tarragon added at the end.

you can make variations by adding different final ingredients for example, juice of 1 blood orange- Maltaise sauce.

Add whipped cream- mousseline sauce

Mustard- mustard sauce etc.

goes great with steak
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